We read multiple reviews about this hotel before deciding to book it, and I really have to wonder if the good reviews we saw were fake. The hotel was in really rough shape. Our room was very dirty - there was a huge wad of hair on the floor by the bed, the bathroom counter was not clean, the shower floor was very stained, and just general filth that should be cleaned (door knobs, remote control, switch covers, etc.) The toilet was about 1/2" off the tile floor with a wood shim on one side; needless to say, it wasn't stable at all. The shower didn't drain well so by the time you were done with the shower, you were standing in about 2" of water. We had a stink bug hanging out on the ceiling upon our arrival, and we let him live because there are far worse bugs in hotels. Thankfully, we didn't see any of those.
Breakfast was mediocre.